Family Support

                                              Family Services Intake Worker:   604.378.8775

Family Support provides intensive, individualized in-home and community support for families struggling with child protection, referred by MCFD. Our Family Support Workers walk alongside families and parents to find resources and maximizing positive coping skills.

Our funding partner is the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD).

What is it?

Family situations are significantly more complex than 10 years ago. Multiple issues around poverty, nutrition, mental illness and addictions often lead to anger, frustration and hopelessness. Basic needs for children may be compromised. Our dedicated Family Support Workers are trained to walk alongside parents and their children, as guides and support towards growing healthy families. Together, they work with families to find long-term support and resources in the community, and develop healthier coping skills to manage their family life. Chilliwack Community Services provides in-home crisis intervention and support to families, and must be referred by the Ministry of Child and Family Development (MCFD).


To get a referral to participate in this program, you can find out more information by contacting your social worker at the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

For program information, contact our Family Services Intake Worker at 604.378.8775