Family Services

Family Services Coordinator Phone Number: 604.378.4243

Every family has its challenges, yet for some the situation can be overwhelming.

Through numerous funding and community partners, Chilliwack Community Services offers a variety of family programs to address challenges in family life and parenting. We work with parents/caregivers and their children, and any other person or community resource who can help to increase the safety and well-being of the children and help reach each family’s individual and collective goals.

Our funding partners are the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), the Ministry of Justice, and the BC Law Foundation.

Family Support

In-home crisis intervention and behavioral support to families and caregivers. MCFD referred.

Family Education

Provides ongoing parenting workshops throughout the year for parents and caregivers.

Enhanced Supervised Visits

Provides parents who are separated from their children due to MCFD intervention, the opportunity to visit their children and build skills and insight.

Daring Dads

Bi-weekly support group for dads who are facing challenges as their role as a dad. Together dads support and encourage each other.