A mix of low-end market and subsidized apartments, the Paramount offers affordable housing for Chilliwack seniors and young adults.
Housing Coordinator: 604.702.2900
We have bachelor suites and one-bedroom apartments, including several wheelchair-accessible units. Our non-smoking, pet-friendly six-story building features:
Eligibility Requirements:
If you would like to be on the waitlist for our Paramount Seniors Apartments, CLICK HERE FOR THE SENIORS HOUSING APPLICATION
Please send or email the completed application to:
100 – 46187 Yale Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 0M2
Phone: 604.702.2900
Email: [email protected]
We offer 8 bachelor suites for young adults aged 18-25 who are aging out of government care. Applications are by referral only. If you have a client you would like to add to the waitlist for the Paramount young adult housing, please contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604.702.2900
The Paramount Project has been a dream of Chilliwack Community Services for many years. The Paramount Project is the result of our vision to help our community to address housing affordability, particularly for seniors and young adults. It is the largest project of CCS in its nearly 100-year history. CCS has a long history of providing safe and affordable housing through our Village Olympic Project, and this project builds on our commitment to housing. Through this project we are providing 66 units of housing, 58 for seniors and 8 for young adults, comprised of units running from deep subsidy to under market rent prices. We are also able through the Paramount Project to bring together staff of CCS to one location on the first two floors. CCS is also committed to the downtown and to being part of its amazing redevelopment through the efforts of the City and CEPCO.
We are grateful to the many partners who have been involved in this project and to getting us to this point including:
Chilliwack Community Services would like to acknowledge the significant financial support of the following who have made this project possible: